He put nipple clamps on my breasts - he hadn't done this to me in the past. They were connected by a chain and screwed tightly to my nipples, which began to ache. They remained on for quite awhile, longer than I would have thought they could be worn.
The difference between sex as an owned girl versus with a lover: its like being broken apart then put back together. There is an element of detachment and objectification. There is a duality and a splitting. I'm a person, experiencing what is happening, responding, and acting and at the same time I'm something else - an object, another entity separate from myself. Property.
My Master touches me, but his focus is on me as he would be on a car or any other object he was on task with. He bends down to bite my stomach and I begin to wilt and melt into the pain and the pleasure, I'm there but I'm also there with him observing me, aware of myself as his.
My pussy wets for him, and I'm aware of the pleasure leading up to it as I experience this, but then am also suddenly made aware externally as I feel him shove two fingers inside me after he checks to see if I'm wet.
"What a little slut you are", he says against my stomach, and I note this, helpless as he proves his words, for here I am, the chain between my nipple clamps swaying, my back arching as he fingers me, my knees weakening as he presses them inside me. I'm both inside my head and outside with him, seeing myself as he does.
My body is his toy, and we both feel the difference. I don't yet wear a collar but the contract and our mutual understanding of it is enough to send both of us to a new level. I can't speak for him, but I felt awed by the change, aroused and freed to do what he willed without concern. I didn't have to worry about anything that happened from that moment on, for everything I am and that I do belongs to him. If I soak the sheets with my sex, I don't need to be concerned or embarrassed. I'm there to please him, belonging and pleasing my only purpose.
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